== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Too many to post

Hoaaa banyak banget yang mau dipost @_@ udah seingetnya aja lah

secret. non-fujo don't open #kicked:
As always, I'l write this in english ehe..
The heck you friends 0A0! what did you say? 'Can someone give me a download link which isn't dead of this manga?' Oh man, do you know what's that manga's genre? yes of course, shounen ai or else yaoi.. as always.. my 'senpais'.
And then come the first comment 'How about aarinfantasy? Have you checked there?' said my other senpai
'Oh.. lazy me, I'm too lazy to check now, but I've gone googling it and didn't find the aarinfantasy result there, so it means it isn't there'

what.. pause. pause! Do you know aarinfantasy? A certain page contains yaoi things .. stuff like that..
LOVELY! Subarashi! SO MUCH THANKS TO YOU GUYS! I appreciate your site very much.. keep it up! #two-thumbs #slapped
I like everything she (aarin san) posts for it's important yet written in friendly sentences
So that's it, she go to aarinfantasy and
'Didn't find it Q_Q'
oh well, forget her.. just let her look for another shonen ai manga.. and yokatta if she tells me #tripple slapped
Sakura painting at AFA? wow bagus banget... Rasanya kayak kapalnya lagi jalan di tengah sungai yang membelah pepohonan sakura yg lagi berbunga dengan lebatnya..
wuaah padahal cuman painting (?) tapi.. kireii~~ pingin pergi ke Jepang!!

 He.. belakangan lagi banyak yang main game horror RPG lo.. There're plenty, yang pertama kita main Ib, 2012, kemudian disusul The Witch's House, Misao n yg terakhir dimainin Paranoiac. I haven't played one of the recent games, but just seeing it. Liat aja udah teriak2 apalagi mainin sendiri, nggak deh Dari art artist yg aku stalk (siapa ya?) aku tau kalo dia lagi main Corpse Party.. pingin coba liat2.
Aku juga pingin tau The Crooked Man and Mad Father..

 Docchi wa saikyo?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

While watching..

Everybody has their weakness
oh wait, suddenly speak english?
well yeah I tell you actually I'm too shy but still want to talk about this so I'll use english. Now, shall we continue? #ming

Spoiler alert! for those who aren't fujoshi don't read this #slapped:
Everybody gomen!!
I'll reveal my dark side No it's not like that! You know, I'm not that hardcore fujo, just a "normal level fujo" << ehhh??

Lately, I liked to pair 2 of the character of an anime I watched without purpose.. haha, just for fun..

But, yesterday, when I was watching Natsume Yuujinchou San episode 10.. oh wait, before that, when I watched the preview of episode 10, I think something thrilling will happen (<<okay, I overdo this)

And when I watched the ep 10, the scene when Natsume's being attacked by a youkai and Tanuma saved him then came up the awkward moment..
When I think .. ah, my fujo fantasy's flying again

O.. oi.. why the background suddenly changed? for sure? they're blushing! << the last sentence is a lie

See? so sweet #kicked
From the first time, I always pair Natsume with Tanuma. But everybody pair him with Natori? Am I wrong? #hit
Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Likely, all fujoshi who read this manga (or watch this) don't think that this story'll go near shonen ai..

Yeah, I think so too.
few hours later wa.. wait! they're blushing? for real? #slapped #thrown


Ghuaaah!! huff capeek -____-
bersihin kamar tuh emang berat.. dan pasti makan 1 jam ..
Mana mau langsung berangkat les lagi.. tsukaretaa ==____==
Tapi ya.. paling ga berapa lama diberantakin lagi sama nii san..ukh
Demo otouto kun~, atarashi heya wo tanoshii mi ni!

Baru2 ini nii san nemu flashdisc. 8 giga.. wow..
Maunya di"adopsi" tapi oi.. ga boleh tuh

me: Yah, buka aja isinya siapa tau ada data sekolahan atau apa kan ada namanya
adik : Oh.. semoga ga ada datanya ya terus nanti kita ambil fdnya


ini dosa banget =__=

Dan setelah diopen isinya cuman video2 klip =_= ini niat sekolah ga?
Jadi, bagaimanakah kelanjutan flashdisc 8 giga ini?


Oww.. sasuga fb, nothing less from you. Habis ngecek fb, aku langsung dapet banyak banget informasi.. tulis2 dikit..

1. Nyanko Sensei Hoodie???
What??! I want it! mau banget! n barangnya lagi dijual? kyaaaa mau.. cuman 140 rb lagi (promosi, sayangnya bakat alami promosiku tak terbendung << what?)
Have been watching this very impressive anime that has 4 seasons of it : Natsume Yuujinchou! Lagi ngefans gini datanglah sebuah barang yang sgt sparkling..
Kyaaa.. mau duuh... semoga.. semoga Tuhan ngebolehin aku preorder tuh hoodie.. murah banget
pst kok lebih murah dari jaket kelas ya =3= chuan hayo

2. Sakura Anime Character
Masuk musim sakura, diadain pemilihan karakter bernama sakura. Hee.. bagus ya. Kalo pilihanku mungkin Sakura Haruno Naruto sama Ryo Sakurai Kuroko no Basuke ya.. sisanya nyusul haha

3. yui and Flower Flower
Cool one! setelah istirahat 5 bulan yui kembali dan jadi vokalis band. Tapi yang menarik perhatianku is her new look. Boyish! << bahasa apa ini? Yah, bukan tomboy tapi.. kayak cowok beneran! so coool <3
udah jadi impianku untuk crossdressing atau paling ngga menyerupai cowok .. (tapi ga mungkin)

4. Nana Mizuki Live Grace -Opus II-xUnion
Dat wonderful woman! So adorable as always. That's why I'm stalking stay update to her. Dan seperti biasa, stage costumenya bikin orang iri.. (ga cuma stage costumenya, muka n suaranya dll juga >w<)

5. Magi S2
From Zetsuen no Tempest page I liked, I found out that.. Magi season 2 this October. Let's shout! (I did shout with my brother). Really?? Baru download Magi kemarin dan terasa hampa krn season 1 udah habis kemarin (alay) dan season 2nya diluncurkan bulan ultahku?? oww.. (padahal ngira tahun depan). Btw, semoga kurobasu season 2 juga cepet keluar...

6. Fairy tail fan couple contest?
Don't want to join =3= (despite I liked their page). But maybe I'll choose Gray-Lucy. Funny but sweet fufu -u-

7. Non non biyori
(From what I read) an extraordinary upcoming anime? Tentang cewek2 yang tinggal di kampung terpencil yang dari mana2.. visual n artworksnya bagus.. katanya

Udah, ga scrolling jauh2 ah, cukup segini. Thank you Harajuku Playground. I expected nothing less

Andd.. When I open dA I found that I become more popular! #hit

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Setelah ngepost gambar.. bingung mau ngapain.. (padahal banyak tugas numpuk dasar ga sadar diri) jadi ngepost sembarang aja lah =3=

such a super-big size file , this picture above I mean
I've been watching kami no mizo shiru sekai, or kami nomi for abbreviation. Baru- baru ini (ya ga baru2 juga) aku nonton episode yang ada Kanon (sekitar ep 5 - 7). Stage songnya well done banget. Aku paling suka yang LOVE KANON

I my me Idol, watashi Idol 

Kesalahan terjadi! Seiyuunya Kanon tuh Nao Toyama, tapi denger sekilas kusangka Kana Hanazawa.. tidak! apa yang terjadi pada pendengaran seiyuuku #apa?


Ngomong2 soal idol, sebenernya dari kecil aku pingin bisa sing well. Sampe sekarang pun kalo nggak ada yang liat aku sering rekam2 suara sendiri kayak orang gila haha.. (kan ngga ada yang liat). Suaraku? extraordinary (dari mana?)
Nggak, biasa aja, cuman kadang aku yg terlalu overestimate mungkin? hehe--

Selama hidup, aku sudah mencoba berbagai2 tantangan untuk membuktikan kemampuan diriku (oh ya? alay banget) 
Tapi sayangnya karena selalu ada faktor penghambat makanya.. audisi apapun belum bisa lolos (terlalu) << eh! ini karena faktor penghambat lo..


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Apa2an post2 di sini ga ada yang bener =_=

ya.. abis bingung mau ngapain jadi ngepost kayak beginian


Ini.. cake? atau bukan?
keras gini! kayak krupuk
emang cake kalo dibiarin lama2 di kulkas bisa jadi gini ya? oh no, my cheese cake!
sambil memakan cheese cakeku yang menyedihkan #plak aku ingat2 waktu lalu

huoooo #sfx

Pingin makan cheese cake br**dt*lk nih #ming
so soft and creamy.. mauu! malem ini harus beli!
ternyata doaku terjawab,

kaa-san:taraa, nih kamu pasti suka kan, kita beliin kamu cheese cake :DD
me: MAKASIIIH!!! kumakan sekarang ya! itadakimasu!
are? keras? ini cheese cake bukan?

kaa-san: gimana? suka?
me: iya, makasih yaa :DDD

ngelanjutin makan cheese crackers #krauk


Panasss -_-
Kenapa udara di sini mesti sepanas ini.. melankolis =3=
nggak, ini panasnya udah kebangetan! jam 12 sih
males sekolah..
Pingin libur terus, males - malesan, bangun siang
terus ngapain?
Duh tapi di kelas ga bakal kepanasan, soalnya pake AC..


Susah nih.. mestinya paling enak puter2 mall aja #dijitak