== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What happen today

=_= What a super normal titles.. almost like a news how come..
Yo Bloggie, how are you today? bloggie ..?
I'm at Salon. well it's my own salon, having my feet pedicured without reason..
it's odd . . .

You know, I wanna say that while downloading Kurobasu latest pictures I saw a picture of Midorima cs which Midorima's almost the same as Takano san.
Wew, the rumor was true indeed (eh? what rumor)
And why do I suddenly write in english? dunno but maybe this's the side effect (side effect ?) of watching too many anime in 3 days.. well you can speak english fluently.. and temporarily I guess

Sometimes I wanna draw.. you know.. what I always write in spoiler #slapped
I've ever seen my fb friend (not very close one) drawing a piece of that.. adorable.. that I know I'd got myself killed by everyone if they found me drawing that .. this country's still a normal and strict one for romance issues
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
Well I'll guess I'll write in english today in case to practice my english (I'm not taking course anymore so I must study by my own but don't worry I've got anime and manga subtitles to help me jyahaha , also, dictionary)

You know dictionary is a genius bridge humans found nee? What a chatterbox my appologize.
Speaking of humans the latest chapter of Shingekyo's been updated this day, right, it's Sunday, exactly at 7 am (I was still sleeping that time)
It's so.. well you know.. spoilery for those who haven't watch, also I'm too lazy to write it here so I just say it's TOTALLY AWESOME ASDF MAKES ME CRY UHUUU
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon What a genius work and on his first job too!  #clap

The last is, thank my brother for his super eyes.. Well it's not the real super eyes but he managed to find a new volume of Kurobasu in bookstore last night and it almost killed me just by looking to it's cover uh.. seriously

Nante kirei na sekai da yo ne when it comes to holiday :p Hope this holiday lasts long.. or at least, pls make me feel it lasts long

#ps : ah pardon my broken english, I'm not paying attention very well on my grammar (as usual) and this time I just wrote what  appeared in my thought, seriously hehe
I should study more


  1. hey there! ya know your light novel is inspiring me to have a reconciliation with you . Would ya agree? :pervylen: #didepak

    1. There you are! I appreciate your consideration bro. Why not?
