== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mariya Ise ; Role

It's Riko san character song. Her Seiyuu is Mariya Ise. I've adored her recently. Although her voice as a girl is so cute, her voice as Killua (the only boy character she voiced) is more cuter. And adorable. I've listened to Killua's cover song, departure! which they use as HxH's opening until now. And IMHO, honestly it's so much far better than the original one. It sounds so cute yet manly and certain ah Killuaaa

By the way, you should listen to this character song too. Her voice is too cute, and the melody is quiet hard to sing, yet very beautiful

I don't watch Hidan no Aria, for those who wonder what anime is this. I just tried to watch it once because there's riko san and I'm kinda eager to see girls holding guns (though I've seen Girls und Panzer but it's different) but there're so many girls and some umm.. fanservice there, so I stop. On episode 1 only. Riko's indeed cute though.
Instead of watching girls dominating a series, I prefer anime with ikemens (of course, I'm a girl, moreover fujo)

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