== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Jadi.. dokter??! #teriak

Is this.. seriously?? which do you prefer? to tell my story in english or indonesian? or in a fun way or a sob story? pick quick bloggy aaaa
okay so I'll write in indonesian cause yeah, it's my mother tongue of course

Cerita ini berawal saat seorang cewek naik di kelas 12..
males ah
gaya bicara apa ini #gak penting

Huff ya masa temen2ku lebih mending daripada ortu #hrss ga boleh bilang gini
Sebelum ini aku "bergulat" sama ortu tentang jurusan


Selalu selisih. Papaku nyuruh aku jadi dokter. Yea, awalnya, it's the same old story of parents isn't it.
Terus aku nolak Ga sanggup la!! Meski aku sendiri gatau mau jadi apa ya paling nggak tolong deh tolong
anything but doctor
but .. umm anything but pure science too oh please.
Akhirnya tekkim deh
Eh tapi setelah pameran salah satu univ, farmasi..

Sebenernya aku lebih suka desain, gambar.... manga #ming
Yah tapi berhubung ga boleh masuk DKV, Dispro, Desinter or anything related to design so well aku turutin mereka.
Daripada nyari masalah

Thursday, September 12, 2013


sungguhan, yang kali ini sedih sungguhan
ya. . gimana ya
apa harus cerita
tapi fungsi buku harian (kay, this's not a diary book though) kan untuk menumpahkan pikiran disaat nggak ada yang mendengar

dengarkan aku dan simak tulisan ini
this'll feel so sad

Monday, September 2, 2013

Titan and me

# Kenapa habis pre-sweet mukaku kayak titan? banget ._.

# Habis episode 21 yang bikin galau karena Petra tiada, aku nepuk mati 2 ekor nyamuk yang sedang terbang bersama dan berasa kayak titan yang memisahkan mereka dari hidup mereka. apasih

#Masih seputar nyamuk. Tadi pagi aku makan dan melihat nyamuk berseliweran (pingin ku tepok lagi) aku tiba - tiba merasa berubah jadi titan (ganas).

#mataku sekarang dan selalu tertuju pada eren << nggak nyambung

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Farewell Petra :(((

Oh my gawd I have to tell you now, fast, bloggie.
Eventhough I'm not in mood to use english but myself insist to use English ..
hrr okay
It's a serious thing though


so I've finished watching Shingeki no Kyojin episode 21 (about 4 hours ago)
Now.. let me tell this story from the very beginning (where?)

Long time ago before I watch this episode #troll my dear friend, Soba chan tell me that Levi's squads'll all die
Right, she cheerfully gives me this spoiler and I regret it now why that time I listened to her without reaction
Oh, I think, well it doesn't matter as long as my Eren's OK.

I've paired many character until now
Well, my first, default (and mainstream pairing), is Eren x Mikasa (I've already told you this, right?).
I fall in love with this otp after seeing Eren innocently put his scarf around Mikasa's neck, not neatly. They're so cutee >w<
also, Mikasa's blushing when she's considered to be Eren's girlfriend
uwaa :3