== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Farewell Petra :(((

Oh my gawd I have to tell you now, fast, bloggie.
Eventhough I'm not in mood to use english but myself insist to use English ..
hrr okay
It's a serious thing though


so I've finished watching Shingeki no Kyojin episode 21 (about 4 hours ago)
Now.. let me tell this story from the very beginning (where?)

Long time ago before I watch this episode #troll my dear friend, Soba chan tell me that Levi's squads'll all die
Right, she cheerfully gives me this spoiler and I regret it now why that time I listened to her without reaction
Oh, I think, well it doesn't matter as long as my Eren's OK.

I've paired many character until now
Well, my first, default (and mainstream pairing), is Eren x Mikasa (I've already told you this, right?).
I fall in love with this otp after seeing Eren innocently put his scarf around Mikasa's neck, not neatly. They're so cutee >w<
also, Mikasa's blushing when she's considered to be Eren's girlfriend
uwaa :3

Meanwhile, I ship Rivaille and Hanji. Well it mostly have no reason though.
I just saw them in episode 9 when Hanji's so excited to see abnormal titan and Rivaille turns her head
(Her? yeah Hanji's female, am I right? cause myfriend suspect her being a man)
I think they suit each other (I even don't know their personality)

And while I enjoy hunting pictures of Eren (and Mikasa) on google, tumblr shows me something "more" (remembering I'm fujoshi ehm) and it changes my otp suddenly.
Well of course, Rivaille x Eren >w< (abnormal, contradiction as always but also, exciting)

At first, it's my friends who talk about this otp and I'm not that interested cause I think Eren x Mikasa's the best otp in this series. But then, you know
In the evening (on the same day) I went googling and..
daar my otp changed ;DD

And I ship Jean x Armin too haaaa (to many otp aa)

I've ever found my favorite artist tumblr post. She said that she already found her perfect otp and it's Rivaille x Hanji
Ah, no.. I don't really like it ehehe #smacked
I found a Levi x Petra MV before it and I told my friend
"Is Petra can be paired with Levi?"
"Wha.. of course! It's a super-so-sweet pairing you know" (oh my, I forgot she's read the latest manga chapter, of course she's known this)
"Eh.. but" (well, for me, they're not more than a corporal and his squad. I concern on Rivaille x Eren, however :v)

And this episode comes, and change my mind again (??)
The same tragedy as what Jean got when he lost Marco
the same but.. somehow I feel much sadder in this pairing tragedy.
Somehow I feel like she was me who just admire someone who I like from behind, and ended up can never reach him
Have some feels.
It's so sad.. you know ._.

And what reallyyy sad is
Levi realise her love after she died
it's sad when you love him, have your whole time for him (even just for thinking about him), and he never realise it .__.

She even doesn't know if he looks at her in the very end (aww stop, it's already being so sad)

For you who've known this, Levi meets her father who hopes her daughter'll marry him
Aah now I can't say how sad I am
Now this really can't be true but
why I ship this otp just now? after petra's no longer here? QAQ
tissue, please

(Uuh your faces don't look like happy or embarrasing or what, I think but still it's SO SWEET)
I hope you're happy petra >A<
Sorry for not paying attention on you (Well Eren makes me blind)
You've done your best for saving Eren  humanity


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