== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Duh belakangan ide makin giras menusuk otak #noooo
gak, ide banyak sekali muncul habis UAS jahanam ini dari fanfic sampe yang macam2
Harus gimana ini waktu terbatas gini ga bisa terus di depan lappy
Huuuu plis buy me sometime please buat bikin banyak hal.. ...

Mana "To Love the Imperfect" juga ga selesai2, nggantung begitu.
Q parah banget kalo bikin cerita panjang, bisanya bikin cerpen.

Otherwise Q jg bingung karena fanfic itu biasanya panjang tapi.. bikin 3 word pages pake bahasa Inggris itu bisa makan beberapa jam.... huhuuu

checking note narsis

Friday, December 6, 2013

Seiyuu , lagi

Tak dapat menahan diri untuk hggghhhh nulis post di blogger dengan kecepatan penuh padahal lagi di tengah2 nonton
Ukkkkh seiyuuuu kaliaaan

Kenapa ya kalo seiyuu yg ngisi antagonis meskipun jahaaaat bgt tapi kalo terkenal dapat dimaafin nyahaha
kayak Orihara Izaya ( Hiroshi Kamiya), Accelerator ( Nobuhiko Okamoto) , Chrollo Lucifer ( Mamoru Miyano), sama Meruem ( Kouki Uchiyama)
Kalo yg cewek Neferpitou (Ayumi Fujimura)

Tuh kan jadi ga ngerasa ilfeel sebel atau gimana
rasanya kayak
bisa dimaafin lah soalnya yang ngisi..

Uoooo seiyuuu kaliaaan

Juga juga
Si Mariya Ise yg belkangan kukagumi kan ngisi Levi McGarden di Fairy tail (yakin sumvee?? habis killua kayak gitu sih)
Jadi kepikiran si Gajeel itu seiyuunya siapa habis ga pernah nyari

Speaking of which, dat Laxus is Konnishi Katsuyukii .. itu cerita lain sih

N jreng jreng begitu nyari Shaiapouf yang diisi sama Wataru Hatano
Oii dia yang ngisi Gajeel demi apaaa

ketemu nih tanpa dicari

Tapi kalo seiyuu sih cocokan Mamoru Miyano sama Miyuki Sawashiro
Hnggghhh sadar ga kalo itu jadi Chrollo x Kurapika?? meski kalo di Utapri itu baru make sense, Tokiya x Nanami

AAA dunia anime itu keajaibannn~~

True lol-

-but can't press "share" on fb
please I - or rather we - must hide our forbidden status by posting things like this.
Sob realising it's kinda sad that we must hold not to let people know who we really are, that we're "not normal" honestly, or else they'll mocked us or whatsoever

Ever accidentally open a pic of NatsukiSyo in front of my friend and she screams like "eeek". I immediately switch the picture. Gdammit why of all picture it has to be it? It's just a thumbnail after all so I must checking them one by one

And also when my male friend (okay, not boyfriend, I don't have any though) almost badmouth me because he THINKS I'm a fujo (thank you I'm not gonna say it to you either)

But not all of my friends like that like Chloe who shamelessly (or rather bravely) joins homo clubs or like that in fb with her real name and always shares things like that

Well from our fangirling while talking about pairing, can't be sure the surrounding doesn't notice though.

Ever feel like this back then when I'm sooo innocent (gd I'm that innocent when I was on the 10th grade). I know nothing, I don't give a thought that homo exists, though my friends on elementary said kinds of that I think they're just joking around
Yet I find and befriend my very friend and know what's world dark side << WHAAAT IT ACTUALLY IS WORLD HEAVEN'S SIDE RIGHT #slapmeslapme
well I didn't "influenced" by that very friend though - Right, it's chloe just if you're curious - but still I don't get it why she feels so proud of having "tainted" me - in her opinion


Guys guys guys guys guys
or rather I talk to my bloggie and alter ego

Pay attention to that cute yet stunned face of Killua. Gd he must be a creature from heaven. Look at his and please I'm not talking about it this time cause sure he's always been that handsome


It's.Bisky's.False. Noooo Don't say that, ever!! (I'm not blaming her either though for maybe it's the beginning gate to deeper lov- #kicked)

Wha.. now whatt.. I can't even enjoy the momment when I think it's the "hint" part
I really focused on the upcoming farewell nooo please noooo aaaaa
all the time, supported by the memmories of spoiler I found in hunterwikia

Aaaa don't leave Gon Killuaaaa
you wanna be his friend right
you wanna be by his side right
oh please he sooo need you to guard him #whatamItalkingabout

Well there's still many chapter left
guess I must download and watch it immediately

Crp I must download kurobasu too aaa so many to download while my upside down life seems not allow me to do it

PS: wow I think I'm getting faster at gathering words to write, although I don't mind checking the grammar first lol. It's been my weakness since elementary but covered by my vocab though. And this speed thanks to Kurokura ff Ran's given me hahaha I'm sooo happy

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Loyal Protector

This too
Okay this's my last post today or else I'll go crazy #no
the fact is that I just wanna watch the next episode I wasn't able to watch because of that jrk final test #punch

Ukkkh look at this too #aww stop
Lately in NGL killua's been more protective than ever ukh I think I'd break my heart into pieces
the actual heart #say what

ukh so many hinto in this anime #false false false <3

My beloved friend, Ran told me that there're far more hints in the movie , Phantom rough
And that's true just watch by yourself ok for I haven't downloaded it
It's soooo heartwarming, seeing the cute possesive Killua ukh

must (not) be my imagination <3 our, exactly
We're laughing like psycho while watching it ukhhhh must download it soon


Non fu step back please
to mention, actually I've seen this ep long ago but didn't have a chance to publish it so I'll do it now


Noooo my heart beats so fast could I be wrong or it's just my imagination because of this fujo eyes arghhhhhh
ukkkhhhh look.at.that ukh
I have no words to describe that oh god it's soo incredibly sweeettt <3

2014 ayo datang cepaaaat

Q bukan org yg optimis
apalagi udah ditusukin guru2 kelas 12 belakangan ini udah tambah hilang sirna semua harapan
dasar para PHP tuaa <<< buejad

Cek anime yg akan muncul thn depan awsdriepuhjwdfij banyak bgt anime SA<3 Q n grup juga sudah menanti nanti ohohoho

Semogaaaa di 2014 Q lebih niat << INI SIH HARUS
sama semoga nilai2Q bisa naik lagi huoooo Fightinggg!!


Terlalu banyak kejadian yang terlewatkan jadi mari bagi kehidupan Oct - Dec menjadi beberapa bagian

-Suck 3rd period school test and assignment
Let past be past. yea Q ga inget berapa nilai2 yg kudapet di UH 3 ancur semua terutama mat ih, sudah gitu yang integral grafik itu udah ga tuntas lagi. O ya ngomong2 dimana ya kertas remidku
Kalo pun ga tuntas nilaiQ cmn 61 afuuuhhhh. Yang kuinget cuma nilai fis 85 n kim 81 yang bersinar cerah, diantara mapel IPA maksudnya

Terus ada tugas PB UTS TP yang gapenting itu. Selang deadline satu hari Q baru ngerjain bareng temen, numpang laptop, numpang modem, numpang flashdisk. Q begitu bangga bisa bobol password wifi tak dikenal dari laptop si metana << busuk busuk busuk ini orang

Meski EC deadline jg udah mepet2 untung aku sama Bell berhasil nyelesaiin project. Dibantu shooting sama yang lainnya juga. Pokoknya ribet. Tapi aku jg jd lbh dekat sama temanQ~~

Kemudian minggu UAS mulai datang dan aku disadarkan kalo mimpi buruk bakal datang bentar lagi

Ya kaaaaan?
udah ga mau cerita
semua salah pensil pensil pensil.. n scanner gotohell

-Tekanan batin remid UAS
kata tabu yg ga boleh disebut di depan mamaQ itu
dan yang bisa menolongku menghadapi saat2 berat ini adalah YOLO n

fanfic HxH yang bisa dibaca di HP kapan aja

huffffffff lupakaaaaaaaaan kesusahaaaaaan masaaaaaaaa laluuuuuu

hipnotis diri sendiri
gabangun bangun

noooo #apa


Sebenernya ini post udh lama tapi entah knp ternyata masih berupa draft di pages jadi Q publish skrg


Turun dari bus semua pada pasang jaket. O ya kenapa mereka semua pake celana pendek aku aja yg celana panjang, ga modis AA tapi ya udah daripada gosong.
Setelah semua (dirasa) udah dibawa kami nunggu di depan wbl
Q minta tolong Ran fotoin aku dengan latar belakang Kepiting besar di belakang


Yeah for those who didn't know, YOLO stands for You.Only.Live.Once
A very true yet naive statement, yes?

Aku gak peduliiiii yang ingin kulakuin adalah MENGUPDATE BLOG INIIH!! AP. DET.
kenapa sih aku =__=

Pasrah udah pasrah.. hahaha mau ngomong apa ya..
ini nih, cewek yang super bangga karena udah nyelamatin hidup kelas 11 nya dengan menclearkan UKK nya dan dengan bangga senyum2 melangkah ke kelas 12


hidup cuman sekaliiii!!!! belum tentu apa yang kita berhasil kerjain di sekolah bisa mendorong kesuksesan di kehidupan.

kenapa hidup cuman isinya kayak ginian aja ukh...