== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Friday, December 6, 2013

True lol-

-but can't press "share" on fb
please I - or rather we - must hide our forbidden status by posting things like this.
Sob realising it's kinda sad that we must hold not to let people know who we really are, that we're "not normal" honestly, or else they'll mocked us or whatsoever

Ever accidentally open a pic of NatsukiSyo in front of my friend and she screams like "eeek". I immediately switch the picture. Gdammit why of all picture it has to be it? It's just a thumbnail after all so I must checking them one by one

And also when my male friend (okay, not boyfriend, I don't have any though) almost badmouth me because he THINKS I'm a fujo (thank you I'm not gonna say it to you either)

But not all of my friends like that like Chloe who shamelessly (or rather bravely) joins homo clubs or like that in fb with her real name and always shares things like that

Well from our fangirling while talking about pairing, can't be sure the surrounding doesn't notice though.

Ever feel like this back then when I'm sooo innocent (gd I'm that innocent when I was on the 10th grade). I know nothing, I don't give a thought that homo exists, though my friends on elementary said kinds of that I think they're just joking around
Yet I find and befriend my very friend and know what's world dark side << WHAAAT IT ACTUALLY IS WORLD HEAVEN'S SIDE RIGHT #slapmeslapme
well I didn't "influenced" by that very friend though - Right, it's chloe just if you're curious - but still I don't get it why she feels so proud of having "tainted" me - in her opinion

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