== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Strange (about the NSFW post I wrote yesterday)

..... My post which has 'NSFW lv high' written on it, thought it'd never be viewed by anybody but instead, it was viewed 11 times. How?
My other posts still haven't got any views tho, so this's a really significant view.
I mean why? Well, it isn't a dirty or mature picture or what, or do you think it'll contain those things?
Well sorry I'm a lady (moreover a fujoshi), so there's no need to me for posting those things.

I can understand those things but, second, I used javanese to express my anger. Means it's really really harsh, it seriously can't be used in socialization (at least at my place). It means the ones who views this  can read and understand what I said.. Oh no, it was a cruel post tbh. But I have nowhere to go yet I want to chat with someone about this, blogger is the perfect answer. And this's my private blog, and I've put a warning before the breakline so pls forget about what I post yesterday, okay? That person's really too much pain for me to bear, that she changes my personality drastically but in fact I'm not like that at all. In real life

.... Postku yang ditulisi 'NSFW lv high', kupikir gak bakalan dilihat seorangpun tapi malah dilihat 11 kali, kok bisa?
Postku yang lain ga ada viewnya jadi ini signifikan
Maksudku, kenapa? Yah itu bukan berisi gambar kotor atau dewasa sih, atau ada yang berpikir isinya seperti itu?
Yah maaf aku cewek sih (apalagi fujoshi) jadi aku nggak usah ngepost hal begituan

Aku ngerti sih kalo itu, tapi, kedua, aku pake bahasa jawa untuk ngeekspresiin kemarahanku. Berarti bahasaku bener2 kasar, dan nggak baik dipake buat bersosialisasi (paling nggak di lingkunganku). Berarti orang yang liat bisa baca dan ngerti apa yang aku ngomongin dong.. waduh post kemarin itu jahat banget lo. Tpi aku nggak punya tempat lain dan pingin curhat sama seseorang tempat ini, blogger itu jawaban yang sempurna (soalnya dia nggak bakal ngebocorin ini dan nggak bakal berpihak ke sisi siapapun. oke dia berpihak ke aku).
Lagian ini private blog, dan aku udah nulis warning sebelum read more jadi kalo udah terlanjur baca, tolong lupain ya apa yang aku tulis kemarin
Orang itu bener2 keterlaluan jadi aku nggak tahan lagi, dia ngubah karakterku secara drastis tapi sebenernya aku nggak kayak gitu kok. Di dunia nyata

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