== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

ラブ #false

A very cute (belated) episode shows up!!
Whaa soooo cuteee, warm and touching and soo
something hidden =v= fujo usual smirk

Nooo I force myself to consider that's just sweet friendship
but then

Who's this suspicious cutie? well I think she's a protagonist - conclusion from the ED - but well I can't be that sure yet
She looks like can endanger their friendship
ukh =_= << remembering Gon vs Danzo episode

Uuh well friendship can't said to be loyal until someone interfere it's tested

Let me follow the next episode, peacefully and late

Hujan mulai turun

semua ini dimulai saat Q membagikan payung (tak beralasan) pada teman2Q di sweet.
Ga kusangka keluar2 ternyata hujan beneran.

Sekarang tiap pulang sekolah ga ada lagi panas menyengaaaat. Udah gitu debu tebel dan panas krn sepeda motoran pas jam 3 an lagi. Semuanya diganti dengan awan mendung dan angin dingin huaaa (alay)

Dan malamnya pun - meski aku stres gara2 eksponen dan guru2 lalala - Hujan turun n bau tanahnya khas banget. Rumah juga jadi ga panas

Well, Q emang penyuka hujan banget sih n aku senaang banget kalo udah musim hujan.
Mungkin lebih baik lagi kalo yg turun salju tapi ini aja udah bagus

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hisoka's private emot
So cuteeeee. This's like my fave emot too --> =_= #nevermindo

wonder how he makes that


Ep. 53

Look. at. this!! This episode's so. . hggh
It's too far!
It's too far! too far! Now I really get his feeling
That feeling feels like a whole world betrays him
yeah that's what happened to me too 
but this's too far it makes me feel uneasy
I'm yelling at my laptop screen sometimes, relising that gaze, that despair
when everything, yes, everything, didn't go as what he ask for.
What a bad world.
But at least he's a good fighter among his bodyguard friends while I'm a 'no one'

Despair x Kurapika x and x me

Eeh.. aa.. Maa ne..

harsh content

How is it feel when you tell your parrents that you're being called by your teacher cause you've got some trouble on your marks?

Ah it feels friggin good like being fucked
Wha.. hey, are you maso?
stop open:
No moron. I think they've stopped thinking and don't bother to give a damn about it Maybe they just wished I'm not exist Such a shame as me maybe I'm just an aura formed human standing beside her Insult and ruining their life Maybe they've just thought 'Haah since when did we damn have a pucking child like this?' Since we puck each other? good as hell darnit'
Well dat's so harsh to be sure
 Feel sorry for you
 Better luck next time

 Don't bother to give me a dumn chitty friend. You're not helping and I'm not going anywhere


 A good friend always knows how to help and cheer their friend, or at least convince and relax them.
That's friends are for
Yep, they're my friends who I rely on

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tanjoubi Omedetou Jibun

Bunyi ringtone SMS bikin kaget malem2
Gimana enggak, pas lagi belajar bio (buat remid huu TT^TT tak pernah Q dilecehkan seperti ini) jam 12an tiba2 ada bunyi suara keras banget dibawah guling (tidur beralaskan guling)

--> -w-
yea sebelum kubahas lebih lanjut, ini Q sebenernya males banget nulis tapi daripada ingatan spesial ini nti samar jadi yaudah Q tulis sekarang aja sambil ingat2 neko face Killua 
gyaa be my bro 

--> -u-

Q cek dan ternyata isinya dari kouhai kesayanganku Melchi yang ngasih selamat ultah disusul 2 temanku yg lain Yo dan Yuki. Huaa tau gak di saat hilang harapan ngantuk belajar Anabolisme terutama fotolisis, datang semangat baru. Akhirnya aku berhasil nyelesaiin belajar dan tidur. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Gila! Apa!
2 hari lagi ulang tahunkuuuu

Countdown starts yesterday actually

Tentang 4 hari di dunia fantasi (4)

Mau tau aja atau mau tau banget?
Ambil nafas terpanjang buat satu cerita.. alias buat ngetik
Satu dua. .

Tentang 4 hari di dunia fantasi (3)

Ming ming
Hari ini entah Q bangun jam berapa. Oh.
Jam 9.15, setelah kemarin tidur jam . . 3 kayaknya

Hari ini. sungguhan. PANAS
tapi tetap kujalani hari ini dengan senyum
Karena apa?
Karena aku anak sehat, tubuhku kuat LIBURANNN
So this heat's nothing for me, it can't bother me
as long as I'm ON HOLIDAYY

Tentang 4 hari di dunia fantasi (2)

Hari senin aku bangun jam 10
Hari libur pertamaQ! tidur dari sekitar jam 12. This's the best I could ask for
Tidur malam bangun pagi, definitely a must do on holiday

Q bangun n menyiapkan semua peralatan mandi
Good kamar mandi udah kosong (jelas, semua udah pada bangun kecuali adik kelasku ini, masih tidur pulas).
Ah handuknya. . Q cari2 ga ada
Akhirnya setelah minta mamaQ, aku kembali ke kamar mandi dan

Tepat di depan mataku
Seorang cowok
entah berapa umurnya
NOOOOO padahal Q udah naruh semuanya di sana QAQ

Dengan pasrah Q duduk nungguin tangga di depan kamar mandi
ukh nungguin keluar
Akhirnya keluar juga tuh orang #dor

Tentang 4 hari di dunia fantasi (1)

Haiiiiii bloggie
Jadi sekarang aku bakal nulis tentang hari2 liburanku selama liburan yang bahkan aku ga tau memperingati apa (kecuali idul adha) selama 4 hari.

Oh yeah my sweetest earphone just fell from my ear on the same time. Legit

Galau x Bahagia

Jam 1 pagi kurang 17 menit
Hai bloggie ahahaha #mabuk mode on
Aku bakal ngepost hari2 seminggu ini
Dan sekarang moodQ

Terombang ambing

Harr biasalah guru2ku merusak mood
kacau kacau kacau
Galau gara2 8 Ulangan remidi
Nobody knows deh dan semoga ga ada yang tau sekalian

Tapi untungnya Q masih punya semangat hidup yaitu
Hunter x Hunter 2011
ep 37! (telaat) you know what I mean ah sudahlah lelele


Monday, October 14, 2013

Ima Junbi wa Dou Desuka

Gyaaaaa boku no sei daaaa!!

Terserah mau ngambil lagu heavy metal fatal rock or whatever you hear hard tapi inilah suara hatiku malam ini


count down mulai hari ini udah tinggal 11 hari lagi nih CUKUP GA YAA AAAH???

I always think my old self is cooler than me now


Ahaha posting normal yang kenormalan sekali #tampar

Helooh bloggie pasti sumpek ya krn 2 / 3 posting belakangan isinya gitu =_= bad aura
gomenasai ya uu

Nah berhubung hari ini libur yang merupakan hari bahagia semua siswa (ngetik sambil merem) terutama siswa IPA yang udah enek setelah berhasil puncak S3 (SD SMP SMA you know what I mean #ming)

Dan. . tentu aja Q mau tidur malam
Ya iyalah enak aja tidur pagi2 #jangan ditiru ya

Ya udah Q cerita dulu lah tentang everyday lifeku sekarang

sebenernya males (gimana sih??)

Friday, October 4, 2013


Kebebasan berekspresi itu sesuatu yang perlu
well at least don't look what's below (or ever read it) if you are just curious or what