== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Ep. 53

Look. at. this!! This episode's so. . hggh
It's too far!
It's too far! too far! Now I really get his feeling
That feeling feels like a whole world betrays him
yeah that's what happened to me too 
but this's too far it makes me feel uneasy
I'm yelling at my laptop screen sometimes, relising that gaze, that despair
when everything, yes, everything, didn't go as what he ask for.
What a bad world.
But at least he's a good fighter among his bodyguard friends while I'm a 'no one'

Despair x Kurapika x and x me

yeah let's have some fun at least

This's how I (want to) punch my teacher who made me called and got problem with my parents 
and ruined my days at school 

This's when I look at my warning letter
ukh I must tell my parents
and this's a thing I'm not suppose to bring

Liveless and tired eyes
My expression when I see my friends yell happily knowing they're not called

This's when I go home

Listening my parents who're very dissapointed of me and talk nonsense about how I'm too lazy and others

but I can't kill in real world

This's how I look at my friends

Take a look on my report darnit what've I done

Relising that there's no hope
wondering when this'll over or will it if I jump from here
or other nonsense thoughts
like there's no end for this

But still, luckily there's always friends who cheer me up

I feel you bro hayaku genki dase \(°o°;)

anyway these're two of my classmates wondering when I'll stop murmuring

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