== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mari mengulang PV Mamo san as minion //mata liar #heh

*Purodusa wa heya wo hairimasu*
"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"
"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"
Mamo dengan sigap membungkukkan badan (sopan sekalii ///) dan noleh ke kamera (manis bangeettt anda mau bunuh hambaa??)

Pas dia nyalamin dan ngepat si minion.. terus bilang "Kawaii" sambil amazed gitu
oh.. gawd
You're more kawaii you know it??

"Koe wo agete hoshii deshou?"
"Mido mido mido mido"
"Oii kocchi koi"

Sebenernya aku ga berapa jelas ini video mksdnya apa 0_0 tp udah bisa ngerti conversationnya aja udah gapapa ahahahah //sama aja bokee

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