== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Too phail can't upload this on TL

Okay I'm sick. I'm soo sick. My eyes hurt, I'm dizzy and my stomach feels odd because..
I'm forcing myself to practice drawing and coloring all day long, how was that? 
Imma self killer #nope

So this's the result of all day training. It makes me proud a bit actually, but let me tell you, the progress was like:

Ah I've got the reference now let's practice!
How to anatomy ://
Emm.. how to color like oil painting..
The face's good, I will be able to do the other parts well
the hair... maybe still okay
the clothes. Okay I'm so done for
and the background... what is background //flip

And this's my odd (very odd) occupation OTP.. (?) 
Try to drawing them using projection (? RIP eng) because I feel I'm in mood and will be able to finish..
nope #getmyasstosleep

And.. oh no I have to upload some posts on this blogger
and update my long-abandoned kagehina fanfic (noo, even the series has ended!!)
not to mention I have to shower.. sht mosquito everywhereeee

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