== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Find new good author upupu

BEWARE PEOPLE! The amount of mosquitos is increasing crazily lately
Please protect your ownselves A.S.A.P, the killing tools're up to you to decide ('f course)
And now this night shocking news~~

Think before open:
Thanks to Chloe and Ran (again) who accidentally came to my house this morning and shared some delicious info~
But my lappy's being raped and forced to show mature things in exchange
poor lappy forgive your owner who can't hold them..
While watching some Yaoi drama CD (must be careful not to let my little bro finds out) Ran told me about Natsume Isaku.
This was because she's watching drama CD (made by Isaku sensei) which seiyuus're including Rei and Makoto in Free..
Not my pairing actually :v RinHarukaa!! #outoftopic
Then I take a peek on her works and ooh.. the artwork's nice.
Not to forget, Ran added that sensei's story is so good, almost the same as sekaiichi Hatsukoi (owow I love Takano onodera), mix the reader feeling that my friend herself can't help to fangirling over when reading it.. hoo..

And they've checked some hardcore BL OVA too and makes me can't go near the laptop.
It's so.. scary.. eventhough I'm a fujoshi, same as them but.. I've told you, I can only see what's under R-18 though
I'm a still innocent (?) underage fujoshi
Hey, we haven't turned 17th yet my dear friends >__< << already going to far, them I mean.
But luckily they're so kind that they always have my eyes covered (by their hand) if something "too mature" pops out.

wew grammar
please ignore, this isn't that dapuq english test which destroy a whole class (or maybe a whole grade) score.. sigh

I begin to search for Isaku san's manga.
The first one that I found (choose)'s "Tight Rope" (already being suspicious with this title).
I choose this to read first cause it's already completed.
Seeing the comments before the chapters, I realise trough the topics that her works're really well, qualified and have a good
plot, like my friend said, so I begin to read. (Participle clauses hggh #fliptable)

This story's so cute >w< Naoki's too kuudere (?) that he's fine with being kissed everytime Ryu wants..
and other funny parts that I'm too lazy to write (or because the language? #troll)
such as

what a normal conversation for an abnormal topics but it's so cute ahaha
ochitsuite yoo wow, it must be a great manga ufufu
Shinnosuke Tachibana as Naoki, really??? stop being uke Tachibana san :v
Jun Fukuyama as Tetsu (nosebleeding) and Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Ryu waaa
Suzuki san why you always appear before me lately? =3= always like this
the way I know a seiyuu

And I found this too

Nishijima Keigo.
Hmm isn't they're characters in Mirai nikki? A Police and an investigator (eh?) if I don't mistaken.. I'm not paying attention too much while watching it

And her style
The gag and the posture sometimes look like Izumi Tsubaki's
and when I see Naoki from left or right side, the artwork can look like Nakamura Shungiku's (Onodera)
what a magical work #slap :DDD

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