== Welcome ==

This blog 's nothing but the author's thoughts and private life, composed into text.


contains harsh words sometimes

Hi ^^

Please read the warning before proceed

This blog Contains:

35% Life rant
60% Fangirling
5% Getting upset and swearing

Well.. Life goes up and down, doesn't it? So be careful while reading the posts!

Friday, July 25, 2014


curse you lah TL, aku selalu gagal balik humhhh

Si kacang keren banget sasjep bok #sembah ntahlah orang2 hebat semua tapi kalo kita gak bersyukur ya kurang terus
a a a apa iniiiii asupan kurootsukki graoooo
susahnya suka OTP minor.. kurang asupan mulu aaa

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